
Scott and Lia Come to Memphis!

Scott and Lia in the Swan

Scott and Lia spent a couple of days with us in Memphis last week. We explored the Mud Island River Park and Ornamental Metal Museum, ate Top’s beef brisket from a styrofoam cup, chased after Sadie holding a tennis ball, paddled plastic animals around a symbolic Gulf of Mexico, listened to Lia recite pi to about 20 places, chowed on some pizza with Dave, Christina, and Lucky, made some pottery figures that need to be fired, and generally just caught up on each other’s lives. In short, we had a blast!

We have got to go up to Rhode Island to visit the whole Douglas clan soon… Thank you to Scott and Lia for making the trip down to see us!

Scott and Lia Walk the Mississippi River Model


Lia Crosses the Mississippi

Lia Douglas at 10

Lia and Sadie


Jeff Parker Retrospective – Day 5

(Facebook users: Several have mentioned that you can’t see the pics. Go to to view the images. Facebook is retarded and doesn’t show images in RSS feeds any longer. They used to. Now they don’t. Go figure.)

This picture was taken in July 1997 at my wedding. Notice that Jeff now is sporting shorter hair, indicating he has reformed his hippie ways. (Yeah, right!)

Also pictured are Aaron and Scott.

General Travel

Jeff Parker Retrospective – Day 3

I’m not exactly sure what Scott, Jeff, John, Aaron, and I were doing in Warsaw in late-1994, but I seem to remember that it had something to do with sightseeing, locating the Warsaw subway (hint: there isn’t one), and getting our first taste of Taco Bell in months.

In this photo, Jeff exhibits the cool confidence of a world explorer, sporting a Parker Construction t-shirt and trademark flannel. Good times, good times.