
Turtle Pottery Show at Forest Faire

Kath displayed and sold her pottery at a booth at the Vollintine-Evergreen Community Association (VECA) Forest Faire yesterday.


This year, Forest Faire, which is held a few blocks down the street from our house, was held in conjunction with a Wolf River Conservancy event nearby, resulting in more foot traffic than in years past. Kath sold quite a few of her new pieces, but I snapped a few photos of some of them before the sale really got rolling. Here is a nice bowl.


This is a swirly bowl with almost marble-like colors.


Kath made some pretty nice shot (or saki) glasses.


Here is a classic blue bowl.


Here is the multi-colored marble effect on a coffee mug.


The Forest Faire made for a long day, but the rain stayed away. (Thanks to Melissa and Gary for the use of the pop-over tent, just in case. Also, thanks to Marci for the offer of space to display the wares at the event.)

In other news, learn some advanced DOS strategies, follow Death on his blog, try to avoid laughing at things his dad says, and find out why I won’t read your script.