And Mazzy waiting for a pepper slice to drop.
Tag: potd
POTD 288/365 – Homecoming Parade Poster
From a Rhodes Homecoming 2011 float. I think this is supposed to be President Troutt.
POTD 287/365 – Buffaloes on South Main
Taken on the the Memphis walk.
From the start of our annual walk across Memphis.
This year, we walked past the Hickory Ridge Mall from downtown and took a bus back.
POTD 285/365 – Fuel Food Truck
You’re so Memphis when … you drive downtown to eat at the Fuel food truck, when the Fuel restaurant is just down the street.
Excellent fish tacos, though.
POTD 284/365 – Barrett Tower Cap Replaced
Following a lightning strike earlier in the year, a new cap was put on one of the Barrett Library tower corners.
He likes to turn the light on and off.
POTD 282/365 – Estaban
Rocking the canoe on the Wolf.
POTD 281/365 – Ballgame
Johnny “Ballgame” Stephany floating down the Wolf River.
POTD 280/365 – Wolf River
Early morning at the takeout after the Ghost River section, at Bateman’s Bridge.
These statues were outside the Indiana Museum on the Canal Walk.
Near downtown Indy, Kath and I strolled down the Canal Walk on a perfect day.
POTD 277/365 – Lynton Award Talk
Katherine’s presentation following the award ceremony was well recieved by attendees.
POTD 276/365 – Lynton Award
Katherine is the 2011 Ernest A. Lynton award winner.
We are in Indianapolis with her father and godfather for the award ceremony today.
Mrs. Lynton also attended the award luncheon.
I’m so proud of her! She was selected from dozens of highly-qualified applicants.
POTD 275/365 – Mazzy at Bedtime
She may be a dog, but she enjoys a pillow while sleeping, from time to time.
POTD 274/365 – Lia and the Buffalo
Lia and I stopped to check out the buffalo at Shelby Farms during her recent visit.
POTD 273/365 – Riverside
Downtown Memphis from the bluff on Mud Island.
POTD 272/365 – Swan Driver
Scott is trying to steer a swan while snapping some pics. Not easy, I can tell you.
POTD 271/365 – Water Flower
I found this flower in the delta of the Mississippi Riverpark on Mud Island, while walking the miniature river with Lia and Scott.
POTD 270/365 – Dinner with Douglai
We enjoyed a tasty dinner with Lia and Scott Douglas during their recent visit.