I just got back to Memphis tonight after yet another wonderful Memorial Day weekend at the Parker Lakehouse. (Thank you, Parker Family, for the fun, fellowship, and food!)
Anyway, when we were getting ready to leave, I randomly got the idea to post a week of photos of Jeff Parker. The first one covers a trip we made to Montana and Wyoming in 1992. In this photo, we’ve made it to the Canadian border, somewhere around Glacier National Park. Jeff, in the hat, has crossed over to Canada, and I think Sarah Doering (then, Cooper) took this picture.
Today, the trip is a bit of a blur in my memory, but I remember this scene clearly. The brilliance of the day, the width of the sky, and rapidly changing weather.
2 replies on “Jeff Parker Retrospective – Day 1”
Awesome. I remember that trip well—blurs and all. Thanks for the retrospective, btw. I have very few pictures of myself or my friends before the digital camera era. This is great.
You rule.
That hat is very well traveled. I wore it in Desert Storm (Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia). Still have it Jeff?